Our Story

I knew one day I would make an actual difference in the animal world but I wasnt sure how I was going to do it. With the help of an amazing artist, I was able to bring my vision to life. All products are ethically sourced and made out of 100% organic and recycled materials. Our packaging is compostable and a portion is donated to save the Amur Leopard. With every purchase of our products, a portion of the proceeds will be donated to an animal fund. I wanted to make an accessible place to understand why we need to save the animals and what we can do to help. Im happy to have you here.

The dog and organization that changed my life

I would have never started pet sitting if it wasnt for Bella. I owe my knowledge, expertise and compassion for dogs to her. She has taught me everything I need to know to be successful in this business. I also want to thank Nine Lives Foundation for providing the same knowledge, expertise and compassion for cats. I wouldn’t be where I am today without this organization.

A special thank you to my father Michael for supporting me in this whole process and being the true artist behind this. I wouldn’t be here without you.

“Lily bear”